1. Public libraries are partners for vibrant and educated communities. They provide a dynamic array of resources, services and programming that help make their communities attractive, vital places for businesses and their employees.
2. Libraries are places of opportunity. They help people of all ages and backgrounds to lead better, more satisfying lives. Many libraries offer English classes, foreign language collections and other services to help newcomers adjust to life in a new country.
3. Libraries are essential for a free people. They protect our right to know by providing access to a full spectrum of ideas, resources and services. Admission is free. No questions are asked.
4. Libraries preserve our past, inform our present and inspire our future. Libraries connect us with books and other materials that help us to learn from the past and prepare for the future. Not just books, but photographs, artifacts, historical documents and other pieces of our heritage that the Internet will never offer.
5. Libraries support lifelong learners. From cradle to grave, libraries provide books, classes and other resources to help us keep learning. "Tuition" is free. All it takes is a library card.
6. Libraries are a great American bargain. Check out a couple of novels and audio books, some picture books for the kids, some CDs and DVDs and the savings quickly add up. Libraries are paid for with less than 2 percent of all public tax dollars and used by almost two-thirds of the population.
7. Libraries level the playing field. Libraries provide resources and services that help people of all incomes learn to read, use computers and develop other skills they need to succeed. A report titled "Toward Equality of Access" from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says ". . . if you can reach a public library, you can reach the Internet."
8. Libraries are great places for kids. Starting with picture books and storyhour and continuing with summer reading and other programs, the library opens doors to learning, imagination and wonder. Kids learn both the thrill and responsibility of owning their own "charge card"--one that lets them borrow books, movies, music, games, and more.
9. Libraries support a community of readers. Libraries promote a lifelong reading habit starting with storytimes for preschoolers and continuing with special collections and programs for teens. Many libraries offer book discussion groups, presentations by authors and other book-themed programming for children and adults, also literacy classes for adults.
10. Libraries have librarians! Librarians teach children the joy of reading and seniors how to surf the 'Net. They save time and money by helping to find the best, most current information for your needs--in print and online. Librarians are the ultimate search engines.
From the American Library Association and the Public Library Association.
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